Whenever you arrive at a potential house, a green and beautiful lawn is sometimes the first thing you spot. After you buy it, you want to do whatever you can to maintain that lawn looking as beautiful as it did the first time you saw it.
However, what should you do to maintain the lawn? When should you seed it? How much fertilizer should you apply? Is it hard to maintain the beauty of your lawn during the summer season?
Here are some of the best Kenosha lawn care tips for new homeowners:
Treating Common Lawn Problems
Do you have an issue with your lawn? If so, you have to treat is as soon as possible to avoid further problems. Here are a couple of popular lawn issues and tips on how to treat them.
The Lawn Has Been Overrun by Weeds
Your goal is to make your lawn a place where weeds will not grow. Thus, getting rid of them is vital. It is extremely useful if you keep up with correct fertilization, seeding, and mowing.
The Lawn is Turning Yellow After Fertilizing It
You can burn the lawn if you apply too much fertilizer. Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to treat this problem. Watering the lawn is one way to solve it. However, if it does not work, hire a professional arborist.
Taking Care of a Lawn in Fall
The fall season is the best time to prepare your lawn for a dormant winter and improve the growth next year. Here are a couple of things you should do for your lawn during the fall season:
- A couple of weeks before the winter arrives, apply fertilizer to your lawn.
- Pencil in the last mow of the season right around November.
- If you break down leaves using a mulching mower, you can speed through fall leaf cleanup.
- Water less as the temperature lowers. Your lawn only has to be watered twice or once a week in fall.
- Overseed in the early fall if you’ve got grass such as tall fescue.
Summer and Spring Lawn Care for New Homeowners
Here are a couple of ways to keep your lawn healthy and green as it comes out of a cold winter and prepare for the heat of the summer.
- Depending on the grass type, mow your lawn to a height of 2 to 4 inches. You should not trim more than a third of the height of the lawn at one time.
- Do not simply accept a brown lawn in the summer season. Hire a professional lawn care company to take care of your lawn. They will easily maintain the look of your lawn.
- Water your lawn regularly. You can maintain your lawn by keeping it hydrated throughout the day. You can do this by watering it early. Lawns require an inch of water every week. You can achieve this around 20 minutes of watering 3 times a week.
- Protect your lawn from crabgrass slightly before the beginning of spring.
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